Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hurry up and Wait

Dragon Age: OriginsImage via Wikipedia

I realize that it has been a few days since my last post but all has been quiet and I am not one to write about jibberish. I do have some good news though I got the full amount you can get in a goverment pell grant so I am really happy about that. The rest I have used my Stafford loan for Im not sure how much is subsidized and how much is unsubsidized. I also wonder if books and programs are extra I have two thousand extra for books and such I kinda hope everything is covered in the thirteen thousand I don't know where I'll get any extra from. It is hard to believe school costs that much at least I've got my first year taken care of. I guess that is were scholarships come in. Maybe I'll get lucky and be picked for some. I sure hope and pray this works out and that I can and will sucseed. I looked up jobs online for my degree and there were a lot of postings one was even in London wouldn't that be great. I'd like to work in London at least I think I would. I can't really leave my mom right now though she needs me. It would be really hard to do I need to atleast wait till she goes on her great journey.

My shrink says that when I stop journaling that I'm about to have an episode of rapid cycling etc. I feel ok, mostly just waiting for the thirtyth to get here so classes can start I wish I had more to say but I'm dry right now the days seem long and are boring sometimes I don't have a good game to play on the xbox I'm waiting for Fallout New Vegas to release in November I think, other than that there are no new games out for my style of game playing. I can't wait for next spring when the new Dragon Age will release, that is what I am playing now for the seventh time I just really like Dragon Age origins.

This little net book drives me nutts sometimes. The cursor just jumps around when I pause from typing I never know where I'll start typing after a pause. It usually is in the middle of a word in the middle of a paragraph, sometimes I end up deleating a line or two. I wish you could try things out for a while before you had to commite to buying them I'd be looking for a different book. The shift key on the right hand is really small so it is hard to hit. I don't care for that either. Oh well. I guess I shouldn't complain there are people who don't have anything.

This will be all for tonight.

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Friday, July 30, 2010

And I'm Off

Online education and Financial AidImage via Wikipedia

Well I've got all my forms in to financial aid, my FAFSA,I forget what it stands for but it is for getting federal grant money for college. I messed up the first time I filled it out I put in the wrong school. I had to wait a day before I could fix the problem.I'll look up what FAFSA means and add it later. OK the link has been added so now anyone can read about it. I know I didn't know about it until financial aid told me about it. I have missed most of the dead lines for this years scholarships. I'm not to confident I'll even get any a lot of them are drawings so it is like winning the lottery I guess someone has to win them,it could be me. I have to think positive and send good vibes that direction. So here I go, I'm sending out good vibes can you feel it? There everywhere look at them they are so beautiful. What a sight to behold. OK enough of anyway, I am ready and waiting for my classes to start I am really excited and looking forward to this. I have my worries that hit me hard sometimes but I push them aside and think positive then they don't bother me too much.

I have been kind of depressed today though. I have been sleeping a lot and when I do that I know something is up. At least I am not rapid cycling and I can do things I just feel off and stressed. Not sure what the stress is from today,school is moving along nicely.I suppose it could still be causing me stress, a lot is happening. I'm at the end of my typing block so I'll close for now. Cheers
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Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I have been really stressed latley over school. Things like can I do it? Will I be able to stick with it? Will my bipolar mess me up if I start to have an episode of rapid cycling? Also Lafe is worried about the cost and going into debt, he worries will I be able to get work, will the jobs still be there with the changes in technology and the changes in computers. Mom worries about the debt too. The only one that is positive is my sister Theresa she thinks it is great also my mother in law Wanda. I haven't told my sister Mary Ellen yet so I don't know how she feels. I just know we have to do something before we loose the disability money that I get for my son. I have five years left for that. That is enough time to get my degree and start work. I am tired of being poor and not having any extra money. I have to use my spending allowence to pay for odd jobs around the house that I can't do. I get my nephew to do them. He is 15 and looking for some spending money and he does a great job. I don't mind paying him.

Lafe has been depressed latly too I worry about him. He is sick of his job at Sears and the things that he has to do and put up with. I know he would like to go back to school too he just can't decide what to do. I think he just needs to pick something and go for it. I think we both should go back to school I know online gives you the freedom to study when you can your not forced to be there at set times for a class. I don't see why we both couldn't go back to school and why he couldn't hold a job too and study after work. I know people do it and make it work I don't see why we can't do it too. Sure we would have debt but we would also be working in better jobs and making a heck of a lot more money. I say go for it. I'm ready. Bring it on.

WOW I feel much better now is that amazing what a little journaling can do. Just getting it off you chest makes the world of difference for me.
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Monday, July 26, 2010

Back to College

Web Design AwardImage via Wikipedia

Yesterday I found a website called Bipolar Blog It had all knids of information on it but the one that caught my eye was scolarships for people with bipolar disorder. I clicked on it and that got the ol' brain a working. What if I went back to school? I thought that would be great and exciting but can I do it. I filled out some forms and decided on the International Academy of Design and Technology for a degree in web design. They called me at nine thirty this morning, bright and early they were on the phone and ready to go. It is so exciting and wonderful I want to get back into the work force I just know I can't do nursing. I had no idea of what to choose but web design perked my interest and it is something I can do from home. I sometimes worry that I am being impulsive but I also would like to do this too. I feel sort of scattered and I am having a difficult time figuring out what to say. I'm not sure why. When I reread what I've written it sounds good so I guess I'll carry on. The biggest thing I have to come up with is grants and scolarships to fund my venture. The advisor that I talked with said that would not be a problem for me so we'll see there is no way I can take out a student loan I can't afford it on my income so I have to do it with grants and such. I am going to take their longer program and take one class a semister instead of three. I have to watch my stress load or I'll burn out fast. By the same token I don't want to be board but I think one class will be a safer bet in the long run easier to finance too. I feel excited and I hope I don't crash later. I have an appointment with financial aid tomorrow I can't wait.
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Sleepless in Olympia

It is 0145 Monday morning, what am I doing awake? I have had several sleepless nights since my cyclic episode that started three weeks ago. Maybe after I write I will settle down enough to sleep. I hope so, it is worth a try. Some times I forget to take my night time medication and that will keep me from sleeping but I know I took my medication tonight right on time at 8pm. I like to take my medication between 8 and 9 at night any later and I fall asleep much later. I don't care for that much the later I fall asleep the more likly I am to sleep the next day. Some times I sleep all day I hate that what a waste of time to sleep your day away. I have medication to help me sleep but then then next day is lost because I am so sleepy I can't do anything. It doesn't matter how early I take my sleeping aid I sleep the next day away. What is hard is when I have to drive Lafe to the bus in the morning I can be so sleepy that it is trecherous driving him there and comming home. I'm always glad when I make it back and get to crash in my chair. No pun intended. lol I'm having trouble focusing now sad thing is is that when I quit I'll wake up;

I love to sleep in my chair I have an overstuffed recliner and it is so comfortable. You see I had a spinal fusion a L5-S1 and I can only lay flat for a short period of time before I hurt too much. Some times when I have slept longer than a few hours in my bed I can hardly stand up and move. I never have that trouble when I sleep in my chair.

I'm going to close now and hopfully get some sleep, if not I'll be back. For now though it is time to rest. Good night

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Here I Go

Hello, my name is Lorraine and I am Bipolar type II rapid cycling. This is my life and my story come journey with me.

I am going to go back a few years, in fact eleven, to when this all started. Actually I think my disorder started many years ago I just now realize I was in a constant state of hypo-mania, which is not as bad as full blown mania. You feel happy and have lots of energy and can be very efficient at work. I realized when I was working in Pocatello, Idaho that I was in this state. I am a Registered Nurse and my specialty was the Operating Room. I was so happy and efficient and zoomed around all the time. My friends would tease "hey Lorraine have you checked your Lithium level today?" I would laugh and continue zooming along. It is only now that I realize that, that is when it all started. It was OK because I was happy and I felt good nothing wrong here right? It was not all peaches in cream though. I would have the periodic fight with my husband but what I found was that it was getting harder and harder to get over them, and then we move to Boise Idaho and my world fell apart. The fights continued the stress was building, I remember coming home from work one day feeling so depressed I though "you cant take a pill to solve your problems" but the symptoms kept getting worse and the abuse started in but I had a 3month old baby I couldn't leave he need a father (wow do I kick myself now over thoughts like that now) so I trudged on. I noticed that I was becoming exhausted and having trouble saying awake. I though this was nutts so I eventually when to my doctor. Told him what was going on, I though it was my thyroid not doing its thing right. I was shocked when he told me I had depression so I started out on Prozac the number one prescribe anti depressant in America he started me at 20mgs and then up to 40mgs and finally uped me to 60mgs and it was like someone turned on a light I felt good, and then I found it... a pornography magazine hidden under some old clothes. I laughed but then it started to bug me he is trading me for a picture. That was tough to take so we talked he could tell I was upset about something. He said he would stop and I believed him, however, my depression came back worse this time I called the Dr he moved me up to 80mgs and said if that didn't work he wouldn't be able to help me anymore and referred me to a psych place. Needless to say the increase didn't work so I set up and appointment (I don't remember the name of the Place} They did tests and all sorts of crap put me on new meds to try and sent me on my way. Nothing was conclusive with the test so I went on my merry way. I remember how I felt the first time I went to the psych dr. I wanted to sneak in I didn't want anyone to see me I wasn't "crazy". A month passed and nothing seemed to work the only thing that changed was I was getting worse and then there was the abuse from my husband at the time.

I was goofing on the computer one day and damned if I didn't find it, more pornography on the Internet he would log on after I went to bed. I was sick I kept finding it every time I would log on I would find it he would try to hide it but I would find it every time. I just got worse and worse I'd miss work my performance was slipping I'd go sit down and fall asleep. I had a breakdown and work one day. I should have gone to the hospital then but I didn't I was afraid my husband would take my baby away from me. No one explained that he couldn't do that. What a mess. I remember one time my husband was being rather nice to me, I asked why he was being so nice and that I appreciated it. I said why cant you be like this all the time. He said, "its just not in me." I'll never forget those words. It was like a branding iron burning those words across my heart. Time passed and nothing seemed to help my husband said he would stop doing porno and he did or at least I couldn't find it. We had a big family reunion that year. at a forest ranger cabin. My husband and I had a quiet moment together he promised he would never do pornography again. The reunion lasted one week and we had a wonderful time. I believe what my husband said and felt a lift in my spirits the depression seemed to lift and for awhile I felt perty good.

I was not home one day from that vacation and there it was right in front of me big as life a porno web site on the computer. Was he trying to drive me insane? I don't know. I was devastated and relapsed into sever depression I was a mess I went to a new doctor and he said I was bipolar and started me on lithium. I went home to my parents just after that for support. I didn't like the way the lithium was making me feel so I called the doctor up and he prescribed, get this , a tranquilizer, a stinking tranquilizer, we'll really knock her on her butt instead of fix the problem. I quit him in a heart beat. I ended up going back to my old establishment but they were no help. My husband abused me some more he took a phone that wasn't working and threw it into a wall the sheet rock had a perfect impression of the phone. I left after that. I couldn't take it anymore.

I got a job at one of the local hospitals I wasn't taking anything at the time and one of the doctors I made friends with put me on 37.5mgs of Effexor, that is the introductory dose of that medicine. I was doing great I couldn't believe it. My husband stayed behind to sell the house and then he came out to Washington were I am now. I wanted to have a father for my son and he really missed his daddy so we got back together to try again I didn't want to give up. It didn't work a year passed and the abuse continued so one day January 17, 2003 I left him for good and moved in with my parents.

I had a breakdown at work too much stress and pressure and I quit. Ended up doing odd nursing jobs still as unstable as every finally I found the best job an OR nurse can have, I worked at a surgery center that was a great job. It didn't last though I had a breakdown at work there and ended up in the hospital. I was hospitalized three more times after that. The doctor said this is it I don't know what else to try. He put me on Trileptal it helps control mood swings Amazing enough it worked it was a God send I started to stabilize and regain control.

I was then on state aid after twenty years of work I was on DSHS. I am thankful though it was there when I needed it. The amazing thing that happened though was that I started to get better. I had episodes of depression but there were normal times there too. Sometimes I remember thinking "I feel good, is this right?" I've been depressed for so long it was kind of scary to feel normal, or at least what I though was normal.

I applied for disability and waited three and a half years before I was awarded benefits. I could live on my own start my life over. A lot of things happened between now a then I finally divorced my husband. I realized I was lonely and didn't want to be so I tried some online dating. Eharmony best online dating around if your serious about finding a mate. Well I found one, a gift from heaven I love him more than anyone I've every loved before. We have been together five years now and I'm still on my honeymoon it has never changed. We grow more and more in love everyday. I can't say enough wonderful things about him. He is my life. He is my best medicine he makes life worth living even when I'm depressed. He helps me get through my tough times. I still take my medication I am faithful about that I get really messed up when I miss a dose. I don't like that feeling, yet by the same token I am tired of taking medication everyday, twice a day it just gets old I have to have these meds to function and sometimes I don't like it.

Well not too long ago I had an episode in fact it is about three weeks now. I was in a state of rapid cycling my moods were change rather rapidly that day I was depressed forlorn and miserable. All I wanted was for the pain to stop to go away to hurt somewhere else. I fought those feelings most of the day. I wanted to hurt somewhere else to not feel the emotional pain the agony I was in. I had felt this before and I didn't like it then either. This time I did something (this is the hard part to admit that I actually did this) I took an iron and burned my leg with it and I did it over and over again probably ten times. The pain was wonderful I didn't hurt inside anymore it was my leg that was hurt. You can see that, that is supposed to hurt you understand that kind of pain. It is a lot harder to understand emotional pain. Most people say cheer up its not so bad. They don't understand they don't have a clue the kind of agony you are in it is hard to explain. It is awful, thinking about it now makes my guts have the he-be-gee-bees it makes me sick. When reality set back in I felt stupid and tried to hide it. I did tell Lafe that I had hurt myself he helped me work through my issues and help me stabilize again for the moment. I was in a bad state though he ended up staying home with me the next week until my doctor appointment with Arlene O. Lafe went with me to the appointment for support and to talk too I showed my burn to Arlene and she was not happy about that at all. It was like her face became a very stern concerned mother. Cross but comforting and caring all the same.

Today present time, I am becoming more and more stable Arlene increased one of my meds and after about a week I am beginning to feel stable I make it through a day without becoming depressed or hypo-manic although it is kind of fun being hypo manic, until it ends and then you crash into depression, that part sucks. I have a lot of agitation right now my feet are going a hundred miles an hour most of the time. When I catch myself I stop but before I know it they are going again. Lafe can tell how agitated I am by my feet. It is a dead give away. I know when I journal my energy is focused and I am at peace this blog will become my journal maybe I can help someone else, let them know they are not alone, we'll see.